discovery franchising

Discovery Franchising

The DISCOVERY Franchising training program will be for duration of 6 days, for a total of about 36 hours. The lessons will be held on Saturday, from 10:00 to 17:00.

The Program id devided in 6 programs that face 6 different item franchising related. We will encounter different topics: economy, administration and control, strategy, organisation, ethic principles, qualitative and quantitative methodologies and international markets.

Facing both the notional and practical aspects, the Discovery Franchising training aims to create a juridical and commercial sensibility, necessary to understand this formula and to use it to turn a successful business into a successful franchise, nationally and internationally.

The DISCOVERY Franchising training is designed for making “studying” and “working” compatible and simultaneous, thanks to the weekend lessons: a great accomplishment for those who have decided to invest in a managerial growth in continuity with his or her own business.
It is necessary to be receptive and determined take a class after a working week: an intense commitment that immediately repays with spendable knowledge.

The activities will be held in an interactive enviroment that will allow all partecipants to create realtionship and to motivate thanks also to a constructive debate held by moderators that will facilitate  aggregation and ideas exchange. Lessons will be held in english*

*the Discovery Franchising training in Ticino will be held in Italian 

Discovery Franchising: Program

The DISCOVERY Franchising training program will be scheduled as follows:

Discovery franchising Day 1

We will discover what is exactly franchising, different types and formulas and it’s potential use to expand a business.

Discovery franchising Day 4

The differences between Business Plan and income statemetn forecast, strategic definitions and revenue settings for both actors.

Discovery franchising Day 2

From “sign” to “money: what is intended for, differences between strong and week mark and you should protect it at the international level. .

Discovery franchising Day 5

We will see how a franchise program is born, how it grows and develop, how it expands … and where you can use it (franchisable business).

Discovery franchising Day 3

With our legal eagles we will understand what the local laws say, what the European Laws say and the correct and ethic foundation of a franchise contract.

Discovery franchising Day 6

Bringing a business from local to international: from the criteria to the targeted countries, strategies in Europe, USA, Emirates and world wide.


Acquire you new working skills and competences.


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