
Registration form

Early Registration


Fill in the Application for Admission Form at your right, paying attention so that the typed information are correct.


Within 24 hours you will recieve a confirmation email of the occurred early registration the the chosen training program. Within the email you will recieve also a Temporary Identification. PAY ATTENTION NOT TO LOOSE IT, you will need it to finalise your  enrollment.
In case you will not recieve the email within 48 hours, click here.


Within 48 hours you will recieve, at the email address that you have indicated in you Application for Admission form, all the documents that you will have to fill in for your enrollment and the procedure that you will have to follow.

The maximum terms and formalities you will have to follow will be pointed out in the email, toghether with the link and password that will allow you to access the Upload* Area


Your early registration does not imply your final enrollment. your registration will be accepted exclusively if we will recieve all the requested documentation correctly filled and sent by the deadline we have indicated.

The absence of a single of the aforesaid documents or their wrong or incomplete compilation will cancel your position. This allow others to access the training.

Please enter your personal information

All the (*) fields are mandatory.

* By submitting this form, I agree to the Privacy Policy Terms

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